Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Attempt #3 & Final Blog

1. A video of your final and most successful launch ^
2. What issues or problems did you encounter during the project - Our last attempt was the most successful, it went extremely high and had the best outcome in total time performance.  The only problem we seemed to encounter was the failure of our parachute deploying out after the launch.
3. How did these issues and problems affect the performance of your rocket - The issue of the parachute not deploying was a very hard factor for us, making it hard to conclude a timed floating number.
4. What did you do to resolve the issues and problems - Our rocket shot so high, that the 10 seconds came up from the total height and point it reached, and the time it came down for. We didn't fix it, because it was still a success and we still hit our goal which was for the rocket to exceed more than 10 seconds.
5. What was the result of your solutions - The result of our solutions still allowed us to hit out goal, 10 seconds.

Mass of rocket empty: 155.16g
Mass of rocket w/ water: 644.67g
Flight time: 10 seconds
Time to max height: 8 seconds
Estimated height: 100 (+) ft higher than konia.

Our Rocket Sketch

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Attempt #2 5-4-11

3.  Post a blog about the second launch.  The blog needs to cover the following.

     a. What changes did you make to your rocket from the first to the second launch - We took aways 3 fins, now we have a total of three fins, with a much bigger parachute and sturdier nose cone. We also changed the string.
     b. What were some of the things that were successful with your launch and why - Today's launch was much more successful. We got higher height, it sky rocketed. We got an increase in the total flight time but very little floating time. We decided to use the same amount of water (800 ml) with the still the same pumping pressure.
     c. What were some of the things that were not successful with your launch and why - The only thing that wasn't good about todays launch was that our parachute didn't deploy.
     d. How did your launch compare with your prediction - We predicted todays launch to be ten seconds plus again, with a better total flight time and more floating time now, with the bigger parachute.  The actual attempt gave us a little increase in flight time, very little floating time, and a huge increase in height.
     e. What are some possible improvements you can make to improve the performance of your rocket - The next time we launch our rocket for the 3rd attempt, we will attach the parachute to the nose cone so hopefully it actually deploys and we get a better total floating time.

Mass of rocket empty: 155.16g
Mass of rocket w/ water: 644.67g
Flight time: 7 seconds
Time to max height: 5 seconds
Estimated height: 90 (+) ft higher than konia.

5-2-11: Attempt #1
a. What were some of the things that were successful with your launch and why: Our parachute was very successful during the event of the first attempt.  It was well attached to our rocket, however it didn't assist the rocket to stay up in the air for a longer amount of time.
b. What were some of the things that were not successful with your launch and why: The rocket itself had 6 fins, we felt that this did not help the rocket, it rather...worked against what our goal was. Which was for it to stay up for 10 seconds plus.
c. How did your launch compare with your prediction: Our groups prediction for our rocket to stay up for 10 seconds max was wrong. We thought more than 3 fins would help but we predicted wrong, and it actually didn't work as well as we thought.
d. What are some possible improvements you can make to improve the performance of your rocket: We plan to shorten our rocket length and minus 3 fins. 
4. Record flight data about your rocket and include the following
    a. Mass of the rocket empty (no water) -
b. Mass of the rocket full - 644.67g
    c. Total flight time - 4 seconds
    d. Time to maximum height - 2 second
    e. Estimate the maximum height achieved by the rocket - around 10 ft.

Monday, May 2, 2011

This is our team! (from left to right) Haylee, Alika, Tyson, Stason.
Alika at work! Building the rocket with some heavy duty duct tape!

Tuesday, April 19, 2011