Wednesday, May 4, 2011

5-2-11: Attempt #1
a. What were some of the things that were successful with your launch and why: Our parachute was very successful during the event of the first attempt.  It was well attached to our rocket, however it didn't assist the rocket to stay up in the air for a longer amount of time.
b. What were some of the things that were not successful with your launch and why: The rocket itself had 6 fins, we felt that this did not help the rocket, it rather...worked against what our goal was. Which was for it to stay up for 10 seconds plus.
c. How did your launch compare with your prediction: Our groups prediction for our rocket to stay up for 10 seconds max was wrong. We thought more than 3 fins would help but we predicted wrong, and it actually didn't work as well as we thought.
d. What are some possible improvements you can make to improve the performance of your rocket: We plan to shorten our rocket length and minus 3 fins. 
4. Record flight data about your rocket and include the following
    a. Mass of the rocket empty (no water) -
b. Mass of the rocket full - 644.67g
    c. Total flight time - 4 seconds
    d. Time to maximum height - 2 second
    e. Estimate the maximum height achieved by the rocket - around 10 ft.

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